Palm kelp

Mole crab

Undergoing a gradual generation-to-generation chang in the
heredity of an organism.

Exclusive Economic Zone extending 200 miles out to sea from
the US coast.

Euphotic zone
The top layerof the ocean where there is sufficient light
energy for photosynthesis. the depth
varies with the clarity of the water. in clear tropical water, it
is almost 200 meters deep.

Mole crab.

Epiflor and Epifauna
Organisms that live on the bottom.

Common beach annelid.

Endemic species
Those species which are only found in one area are said to be
endemic to that area.

Extracellular digestion
Food digested outside the coll by passing enzymes throughthe
cell membrane.

Epidermal cells
the outside cells that give protection to the sponge like a

Class containing the sea urchins and sand dollars.

Endoplasmic erticulum
A membrane system dividing cellular cytoplasm into

Eukaryotic cell
Contains a nucleus.

Euphotic zone
That part of the ocean where light is present in sufficient
quantities to permet photosynthesis.

Epipelagic zone
The top 200meters of the sea.

Genus name for the common sand crabs.